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The information below provides an overview of similarities and differences between K-12 and college accommodation processes. More detailed information may be found at the U.S. 教育部的"Transition of Students with Disabilities” page.


In college, students are still covered by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but are covered under different parts of Section 504 and not covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) once they leave high school. Students in college do not receive IEPs or 504 Plans.

IDEA focuses on student success and the degree of modification and accommodation under IDEA is much greater than that obligated under Section 504 and the ADA. Section 504 and the ADA are intended to protect against discrimination and focus on equal access for individuals with disabilities, but fundamental alterations to courses or programs are not required.


Parents of K-12 students are legally entitled to be included in the accommodations process. In college, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 要求学生, 甚至是18岁以下的孩子, to provide written consent if they wish to share information regarding accommodations to an outside party, 包括父母或监护人. 更多资料可浏览 U.S. 教育部FERPA常见问题解答.


在K-12年级, the school is responsible for identifying students with disabilities and assuming the costs of evaluation involved in identifying a disability.

In college, students must “self-identify” to receive accommodations. At 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, students must register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and provide documentation establishing the presence of a disability. IEPs and 504 Plans from high school may or may not be sufficient documentation.


The process for notifying instructors about a student’s approved accommodations varies from college to college. At 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, we will notify instructors upon the request of the student, but the student should reach out to the instructor to confirm receipt of the notification. 通知讲师将 not 确定学生的残疾.

Request for notification of instructors must be requested 每学期, as well as requests for accommodation updates.


Colleges are not required to provide accommodations that fundamentally alter the nature of a course or an essential learning outcome. 出于这个原因, some accommodations offered at the K-12 level are rarely offered at the college level:

Accommodations approved for use in 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 courses include:

  • 延长考试和测验的时间
  • 课堂讲课时使用记笔记的人
  • 讲座录音
  • Taking exams in a distraction-reduced room


Phone: 775.327.2336



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